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Registration for Donna Barnes' 'Breakup Recovery Action Plan will reopen soon. Learn the painful truth about your breakup and why it's better than a false promise to get your ex back. This is the best and most up-to-date, coaching program to stop hurting from a breakup and move forward as the best version of yourself. Soon accepting approximately 50 people struggling to let go on a first-come, first serve basis.

About the action plan

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I call my coaching method The Painful Truth, because there is no quick fix to stop hurting from your breakup. No one can guarantee to get your ex back, because people have free will. You can’t control what your ex does; and if you try it makes you feel helpless, but shifting your focus to taking care of you makes you feel empowered. The Painful Truth is this breakup is the best thing to happen to you. Because your pain can help you grow. Now is your chance to look at your own issues and raise your self-esteem, so you can become the best version of yourself. Nothing changes if nothing changes, if you do get a second chance with your ex things need to change, so you can  make it last this time. But first this action plan will help you recognize if your ex is even good for you, and if not, how you can find someone better. 

More Than 10 Hours of Coaching Videos

I talk to you just as I talk to my personal clients. I share case examples and personal stories to give you experiential insight. I am always compassionate but there is some tough love to help you recognize the truth about your ex, your breakup, and yourself.

5-Step Action Plan to Move Forward

Step-By-Step Actions to take to get you through your breakup, feeling empowered, and becoming the best version of yourself. Includes interacting with your ex, scrutinizing the relationship, healthy boundaries, looking at your baggage, closure, moving on, and a lot more.

Weekly Q & A Zoom Call With Donna

 I'll hold a 30-minute Zoom call once a week for the first 4 weeks to answer your questions. You'll get to meet the other like-minded members who truly identify with what you're going through too.

Private Telegram Message Group 24/7

Get personal support from Donna, and commiserate with other members who are likewise struggling through a devastating breakup and missing their ex. Having a panic attack? Need a pick-me-up, or intervention? You will never feel alone.

Quizzes & Checklists to Gain Insight

There are fun quizzes about communication, emotional intimacy, and if you should want your ex back; checklists to identify missing boundaries and abandonment issues, and toxic behavior in your ex such as narcissistic or an addict. 

Coaching Worksheets and Goal Planning

Action worksheets to identify your true self, to raise your self-esteem, to take responsibility for what you do right and wrong in your relationships, to change your patterns, to set ACTION Goals, and lots more.  

Only 50 spots available

About Your coach

donna barnes

Having lived, loved, and lost at least a dozen times over 30+ years, in New York City, and having successfully coached hundreds of others all over the world since 2007, Breakup Coach & Certified Life Coach Donna Barnes gives clients a combination of practical hindsight, intelligence, and academic knowledge.

Donna will give you the strength you need, help you cope with your loss, heal, and move forward as the best version of yourself — with or without your ex.

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